Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Any Time At All

I keep putting on the radio and expecting it to inspire me. All it really does is inspire me to listen to more music...and dance around my living room in my underwear.

So the circle continues and in the end I've gotten nothing done and the only thing I have to show for my day is a sprained ankle (I apparently can NOT dance like Shakira, no matter how hard I try.) and a sense of dissaccomplishment. (Is that a word? No worries--it is now.)

And with that I'm running again. Coldplay has been lying to me for over an hour and The Doors are teasing me from behind their namesake. I'm going to beat my head into the ground a few more times and go right back to jabbering on about nothing at all.

Oh and real quickly here's all the changes that have happened to me in the last 6 months:

*I moved into an adorable two bedroom apartment with this one kid I've known for a short while (we'll see how things turn out there. He says I hog the covers and I say he snores. Our life is so difficult.)

*My best friend since I was 11 got married. (What the fuck!?!?! Weren't we just little kids like 5 minutes ago!?!?! WHERE DID ALL THE TIME GO?!!?!?!)

*My cousin had a baby, the first family member of our generation to pop out a kid (babies having babies!)

*That kid and I adopted two amazing, adorable, and batshit insane kitties (I'm working on becoming the crazy cat lady early in life. I feel like I should accomplish something significant while I'm still young)

*I went back to school and signed up for a theater class with that same kid for old times sake (it's making me angry I don't write or perform more. And isn't that the point of school? To make you angry.)

*My great Grandma was diagnosed with cancer (I have nothing witty or constructive to say here so let's just move on and pretend I just said something classic and hilarious, shall we?)

*I found out not only am I allergic to fake sugars, but also eggs (not only are eggs a random fucking allergy to have but do you know how many fake sugar/egg based combinations that cuts from my diet? Like, one. An egg and aspertame smoothie.)

Now, there are a thousand other things I just left out. Six months is a short amount of time where a lot of shit can go down. But I think I'm going to save the rest for another day. Partly because I can't quite remember everything and I'm sure you don't care to read it, but mostly because I'm lazy. So.Very.Lazy.

1 comment:

  1. haha, egg and aspartame smoothie! Glad to hear you are taking a theatre class! That sounds fun..... KEEP WRITING!
