Boys and girls, today's word is "spontaneity". As in, rip off all your clothes and jump in the ocean 500 miles away from that term paper waiting patiently on your desk just because the mood to run far away and get naked struck. Appealing, no?
Now that the majority of us are--for lack of a better word--"adults", we feel far less compelled to be the random spontaneous kids we once were. After all, if you skip a week of work on a whim to road trip to Vegas with some friends you haven't seen in years, how are you going to pay your rent? (Don't worry, red is my lucky color. I'll win it all back and then some! It'll be like a real life Katy Perry video, right? Right?!?!) But every now and then running away, even if for only a few hours, can mean the difference between calmly getting that project done or drenching the people that happen to be standing around you in bits and pieces of brain matter after your head literally explodes. And dry-cleaning chunks of anything out of a polo ain't cheap.
Last Sunday my friend Mysha decided to exercise her right to live with reckless abandonment and the next day she was on a bus from San Francisco to see me. (Insert giddy schoolgirl squeals of joy.)
I love more than anything that she was willing to drop everything just to randomly spend a few days spending money we don't have and judging poorly dressed people behind their backs. (I never claimed to be a nice person, make a note of that.)
It's nice to just do something because you feel like it. I try to make it a point everyday to do something without pause. Whether it be buying those cute shoes at Urban Outfitters with what was meant to be grocery money or sneaking into some one's backyard at 3am to swim in their pool. I'm working my way up to the epitome of spontaneity and perhaps one day I'll sell all my worldly possessions and go on walk-about in New Zealand.
Until then I'll settle for buying Lucky Charms instead of Corn Flakes. You gotta start somewhere, right? Right?!?!?
How come no one ever answers me when I write out rhetorical questions? Hello???