So today (Sat) and tomorrow (Sun) are my days off. I've actually had far more days off than I wanted lately. I would say I'm down to working 3 or 4 days a week and no one is hiring so a 2nd job seems unlikely at the moment. Work is slow and my manager is actually apologizing and feeling guilt ridden for the lack of hours she's supplying me with, but alas, her hands are tied. What the big boss says goes, no matter how crippling it may be for his employees.
The house has been exceptionally cold lately. I feel like I live in a snowman's asshole, so hot showers and warm fuzzy blankets worn like an emperor's robe have become classic favorites. I refuse to give into the snuggie though. I will die before I spend 20 bucks on a backwards robe that makes me one step closer to the fat cat lady who sits on her couch watching soaps and eating cheetos all day.
I've been a writing fiend lately. Funny enough, not having a life frees up some time to pretend you have something to say that's worth recording on paper. I got this awesome journal for the new year called "one line a day". It encourages writing by having you record one line in the book everyday for a span of five years. So far it's taught me two important things: 1.) I'm a lazy motherfucker who talks more than I actually do. and 2.) I have the attention span of a chihuahua on crack so writing in short bursts forces me to examine my details more closely and be far more witty in smaller sections. I'm becoming more disciplined in my correspondence and I'm proud of that. I'm starting to become more motivated to make this whole "author" thing happen. I just need to focus on finding more outlets and staying inspired.
I'm also making a list to keep me from falling into the trap of the boring life:

*Write or read for 60 minutes everyday.
*Start hiking. (There is so much beautiful greenery out here. I need to take advantage of that.)
*Learn to play the guitar (I don't need to be a musical god. Being mediocre will do just fine.)
*Sing in public more often
*Cook one scary new thing every month
*Finish my fafsa early for once
*Take at least one class that will help me learn some useful new skill
*Go out and socialize with the public at least once a month (being a hermit, no matter if it's a sexy hermit, is no way to stay in touch with life)
*Go to pismo beach (I've lived here for 6 months and I've never been! What the hell!?!!?)
*Try something new (falling on my face has always made for a humorous note to the public)
Alright, so I think I've exacerbated the fountain enough for one night. I've far exceeded the one line encouragement level and I'm treading into essay waters. That's going to turn me into an english student if I'm not careful.